Frank Warner

Can I help you?

40 Years in the Lord

I’ve met Jesus as a 16 year old seeker in 1981.
At the first encounter, God overwhelmed me with such enourmous love and joy that went way beyond my wildest expectations. Before that, I could not even imagine that such happiness could exist.
Of course, the following 40 yearst were not only joy and happiness. I led home groups, was an elder, started and ran a small church, and led a teaching ministry (this was my favorite). Right now, I'm teaching a zealous group of university students. The Christian life brought me a lot of joy, but I also had to endure hardships and suffering.

Bible Teaching

As a new Christian, I wanted to be an evangelist. I wanted everybody to know God and the joy He gives us.
But God had another plan. I was always drawn towards Bible teachers and their books. In 1990 or 1991, God gave me the ministry gift of teaching. When I’m teaching and writing about the Bible, I feel that I’m in the right place and I’m doing what God called me to do. It gives me tremendous joy and satisfaction.

The Bible

I’ve read the Old Testament about 30 times, and the New Testament about 100 times. This gave me a large amount of information and depth of knowledge. In many situations, a Bible passage comes to my mind to help seeing it from the divine perspective.
I came across some “difficult
Bible passages I could not understand, neither in Hungarian, nor English. So at the age of 51, I went to school and learned the New Testament Greek language. So now I’m reading the Bible in Greek too. It helps me to understand the scriptures even more. I think we can understand about 98 percent of the Bible from translations. But for some passages, we need to know the original text.
With this background, I may be able to add to your knowledge too.

Christian Books

How many Christian books I’ve read? I guess it’s around 1000.
As a part of my daily routine, I read the Bible and a Christian book. (Usually, I read something technical or professional too.)
The Bible teachers who had a great influence on me were:
Derek Prince—I love the depth and wisdom of his teaching. It helped me raise my thinking to another level. It was my privilege to translate and dub over 100 of Derek’s videos into Hungarian.
David Pawson—David has a wide variety and rich substance in his teaching. I especially love his uncompromising stance and willingness to swim against the mainstream. He confirmed my attitude to stand for the truth no matter what price I have to pay for it.
Andrew Murray—As I was seeking holiness and the deeper life, I found him outstanding among the holiness authors. The Lord used his article as a trigger to my sanctification experience.
(All three of them are in heaven now.)

Entire Sanctification

I struggled against sin for more than two decades but could not achieve complete victory. In my frustration, I decided to stop reading books written by people who did not cross a certain line in their lives. That’s when I began to read holiness books at the end of 2005.
For over two years, I read about and prayed for holiness and freedom from sin. I’ve read hundreds of testimonies and about a hundred books from holiness authors.
I’ve had my emotional ups and downs. Sometimes it seemed that the blessing was near, other times it seemed it would never come.
On January 16, 2008, as I prayed in my kitchen, God sanctified me according to 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24,
“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calls you, who also will do it.” Since then, I enjoy walking in freedom from sin.
Although God called me to teach a wide range of Biblical themes because of the scarcity of entire sanctification in Christianity today, my message has an emphasis on this marvelous blessing.

Happy Wife, Happy Life

“Whosoever finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor of the LORD” (Proverbs 18:22).
“House and riches are the inheritance from fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD” (Proverbs 19:14).
A highlight of my life is that my wife and I have lived in a happy marriage for more than 26 years. We have three lovely children and a peaceful, happy home in Budapest.

If you would like to learn more, subscribe to my emails.
It would be my privilege to help you.

Lord, to whom shall we go?
You have the words of eternal life.
John 6:68

© Frank Warner 2023.